Kingston University Alumni matchfunded £1500
generated 485 clicks and donated
generated 342 clicks and donated
generated 318 clicks and donated
6 anonymous donations totalling £285.00
Kingston University Alumni matchfunded £1,500
A project by: Unit Five
from 41 donors
Kingston University Alumni matchfunded £1500
generated 485 clicks and donated
generated 342 clicks and donated
generated 318 clicks and donated
6 anonymous donations totalling £285.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
33 claimedNATURE FRIEND: Thank you Animal Postcard
2 claimedNATURE FAMILY: You will get your name credited on the project
5 claimedNATURE HERO: Animal Postcard and Name Credited on the project.
3 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: