Kingston University alumni matchfunded £875
generated 98 clicks
donated £1000.00
donated £10.00
2 anonymous donations totalling £52.00
Kingston University alumni matchfunded £875
A project by: Kevin Zuchowski-Morrison
from 5 donors
Kingston University alumni matchfunded £875
generated 98 clicks
donated £1000.00
donated £10.00
2 anonymous donations totalling £52.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
5 claimeda special personalised thank you card signed by all the team to anyone you like
0 claimedA special 8cm tall commemorative 3D printed mini rover (free delivery to anywhere in the UK)
0 claimedA special unique rover t-shirt of your own (free delivery to the UK, £7 Outside UK) Unisex UK Sizes XS-XXL Please note these are limited to 10 on first come first served basis. Please contact us with your sizes/s when you choose this reward!
0 claimedTeam members will personalised 2 hour tutoring session for you or a personalised lecture on space for a school of your choice. (London and Surrey in person only, online if beyond this area)
0 claimedHave you own unique rover day with us. This could be for just you, you and your children or you and your colleagues. (maximum of six people, London or surrey only or come to us) *Please note this will be for after June 2024, when the rover is completed! This includes 3 team building workshops of 90 minutes each and starting at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Reward is for workshops and workshop equipment only. We will build the day custom to how you like. Ideal the workshops will take place outside (weather permitting)
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