Cuisine Carousel

A project by: . .

pledged of £5,000 target

This project did not reach its target.

Completion Date: Tue 15 Aug 2023
Bringing Authenticity To Your Doorstep

A short summary of your project

I'm raising £5,000 for a "community food sharing platform" which will help to access culturally authentic diverse food at affordable prices.

Who are you?

We're a passionate team of food enthusiasts committed to creating a sustainable homemade authentic culturally diverse community food sharing platform in London. 

Your story

We believe that the food market of London can be more affordable and can be convenient. We're here to revolutionise the way people enjoy their meals while minimising the environmental impact. With our platform, we aim to provide conscious consumers with a sustainable alternative that supports local farmers, promotes homemade food, reduces food waste, and promotes ethical practices. We're raising £5,000 to launch and grow our sustainable food service platform. This funding will allow us to develop a user-friendly website and mobile app, establish partnerships with local suppliers and restaurants, and launch effective marketing campaigns to raise awareness about sustainable eating. By donating to our project, you can be a part of the positive change in the food industry. Your support will help us make sustainable food options more accessible and affordable. 

Where will the money go?

If we hit our minimum target, the funds will be allocated towards the follow..

£2000 - App development (That's the first thing we need to start the business)

£2000 -  Marketing

£1000 - Customer Acquisition

If we exceed our target...

£1500 - Website Building (We already have a sample website for information purposes)