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Nostos - Fashion Design Collection

A project by: Miranda Mallinson-Pocock

pledged of £500 target
Funding for photoshoot and final show for my graduate collection 'Nostos'

A summary of my project

My graduate collection 'Nostos' centres around the idea of homecoming. It reflects the ways we seek comfort in our homes through times of chaos and change. Nostalgia and memory are pervasive through our household objects, carrying family history and reminders of fond memories. I have repurposed home textiles, like bed linen or soft furnishings, to implement sustainable design methods through my work. Additionally, I have unraveled motheaten or neglected jumpers to reknit into new pieces. My garments are a merging of the different lives of the textiles that make them up and a reminder of the handcraft that goes into clothes.

about me

I am a final year Fashion design student at Kingston University. Garment preservation and responsible design has always been at the core of my work, and I am looking forward to using this collection to find a job in a company with with similar ethics after graduation. 

Sustainable focus

My focus as a sustainable designer is on preservation, creating from what is already in our local communities and designing pieces that have purpose and longevity. Sourcing second-hand allows me to respect the energy and processes already expended in creating 'waste' textiles..

All the materials in my final collection are second-hand. Either from deadstock yarn, second-hand jumpers, or old bed linen donated to me. Working with second-hand and deadstock materials also pushes me to experiment with alternative methods of construction and pattern cutting.

Where will the money go?

Funding will be spent on any extra materials required for the collection, as well as entry for the end of year show, a photoshoot, and printing for promotional package materials. I have outlined a rough budget allocation below.

  • What will you do with extra funds if things really take off and you raise more than your target?
  • Photoshoot - £200 (photographer, models and transport)
  • Graduate show  - £100
  • Printing - £30
  • Materials - £170


To anyone who donates over £30 I will send a printed version of my look book at the end of the academic year as a thank you, crediting their contributions in the acknowledgements.


Any contributions would be greatly appreciated, however if you aren't able to donate even sharing this page would be very helpful. 

Thanks for reading,

Miranda Mallinson