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Women, Fysshynge

A project by: Loll Fraser


WE RAISED £1,060

from 4 donors

An anthology of texts and images relating to women fishing.

Women, Fysshynge

I'm raising £500 to produce a run of 'Women Fysshynge' publications. Having begun as a research project into photographic archives, the publication explores representation of women in fishing through history as a lens to representation of women in hobby culture generally. 

Who are you?

My name is Loll Fraser and I am a BA Graphic Design student at Kingston School of Art. My practice has specific focus on publication design, typography and printing processes and my work is often process and material research led, involving hands-on making that informs my designing.

This project is extremely important to me as it is the result of an extensive research process and months of experimentation, as well as the subject matter being something I am particularly passionate about.

Where will the money go?

If I am able to raise some money for this project, it would be spent on the production costs of producing up to 30 copies of Women Fysshynge. Until now I have been unable to produce many copies due to the high production costs. I also have had plans to produce stainless steel fish bookmarks alongside to elevate the publication and incorporate the metalwork aspect of my graphic design practice into the project, however I have been so far unable to execute this due to high costs.
  •  Fedrigoni uncoated sustainable paper (£120)
  •  Bookbinding supplies (£24)
  •  Risograph printing (£230)
  •  Magnesium 8mm foiling block (£80)
  • 2500mm x 1250mm x 2mm Stainless Steel Sheets (£530)

If I was able to raise even more money, I would love to expand this project to become the first in a series of research based publications that explore representation of women in hobby culture through history.


As a token of my appreciation, I would love to gift a copy of the publication to anyone who donates to my fundraiser. Thank you for your support!