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The Farmer's Wife

A project by: Morwenna May


WE RAISED £1,080

from 16 donors

This project aims to redefine the term ‘Farmer’s Wife’ by giving space to often overlooked voices.

my project

This project is a collection of interviews with four women who fall under the often undermining term of 'farmer's wife' with photography by photographer Georgina MacMillan. Within the interviews, topics ranging from succession, gender inequality to isolation are explored. The book provides a vehicle and starting point to open up a wider discussion about issues within the agricultural community and what it means to be a Farmer's Wife.

Who am i?

My name is Morwenna and I am currently graduating from the Graphic Design course at Kingston School of Art. Much of my passion within design revolves around the act of storytelling and a deep enthusiasm for publication design, pushing the limits of traditional print. On this project I collaborated with friend and photographer, Georgina MacMillan. 

my story

Moving from the countryside of North Devon to Kingston for University opened my eyes to the disconnect between city and country. Growing up in a rural community I had experienced societal issues which were different to my peers. Noticing problems within succession and farms being passed down the male line as well as the multiplicity of the role of a farm wife, mother, wife, farmer, business owner and mediator. Many pieces of publishing focus on gender inequality but not from a rural perspective. I felt these stories, perspectives and voices needed to be heard.

Where will the money go?

With the money from KUBacker I wish to create more copies of my book. So far I have created multiple copies of the book, printing and binding by hand which takes a lot of time and effort. With more financial backing I will be able to get the books printed and bound for me which will allow me to keep the books accessible. The main purpose of this book is to spark discussion, I will do this by hosting symposiums and talks with groups such as The Young Farmer's Club and NFU Ladies (National Farming Union) to amplify and hold discussions on key social problems within the farming community and create a safe space for females within this community to share their experiences. Progress updates of this project will be posted on my Instagram account: @morwennamaydesign. 

A brief breakdown of costs:

Printing and Production: £800

Space Hire (for symposiums): £200 


A copy of the book will be given to those who donate over £15.

Find us here

More images and updates of my project and book can be found here:https://www.instagram.com/morwennamaydesign/

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