A 10 minute short university made documentary
I'm trying to raise at least £100 to create documentary called "Style & Flow" this short will show three young and upcoming artists journey as a musician within a tough and popular profession.
While listening to them rap, we will be documenting and asking them tough question like who, what, where, when and why… they got into music, and what they plan to do in the future.
This film is to help bridge the gap of understanding of certain music genres that some deem very influential in negative ways. We want to show and give a voice the other side of the story.
the crew
Alfie - Director, Nicholas - Producer & Lighting, Jan - DP, Davrose - Sound, Dylan - Art Director, Karolina - Editor.
Where will the money go?
- Money will be spent on paying the artists for performing.
- Travel cost for artists.
- Food and beverages on set for shoot days.
- Props and set design.
- If target is hit the extra funds will be used to pay the artists more for performing.
- Those who donate if you leave us your email address we will personally send you the finished video.
Find us here
If you want to contact me, or keep track of whats happening with the project take my email address which is ntaylor.krazy@gmail.com, or Instagram _nicholastaylor, or Facebook Nicholas Krazy Man Taylor.