Kingston University Alumni matchfunded £500
generated 408 clicks and donated £1000.00
generated 150 clicks and donated
donated £50.00
1 anonymous donation of £20.00
Kingston University Alumni matchfunded £500
A project by: Chiemi Shimada
from 13 donors
Kingston University Alumni matchfunded £500
generated 408 clicks and donated £1000.00
generated 150 clicks and donated
donated £50.00
1 anonymous donation of £20.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
4 claimedInvitation to the film's premiere screening at the ICA, London in January 2019
0 claimedIn addition to the premiere invitation, regular updates, & a link to the film upon its completion
4 claimedEverything listed above, PLUS special thanks credit
2 claimedEverything listed above, PLUS the high-quality digital copy of the finished film
2 claimedEverything listed above, PLUS the physical copy of the finished film on DVD including its pilot version
0 claimedEverything listed above, PLUS hand-printed photograph from the research or production period
0 claimedEverything listed above, PLUS a one-on-one Skype Q&A with the artist
0 claimedEverything listed above, PLUS Executive Producer credit
1 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: