We, the graduating student's of Kingston Filmmaking (BA) 2018, have been working extremely hard to produce a creative new wave of graduating films that we are extremely excited to share. With a huge range of short films that include documentaries, dramas, sci-fi, comedies, experimental, on both digital and film, it will be impossible not to be captivated by our showcase.
our story
Our graduating show will be open for the public at Knights Park from 3rd June. Here we will be displaying all of our final films made across the 3 years. This is a time to reflect on all of our hard work and effort put into our time at Kingston and to celebrate the journey our future holds. Sadly we have limited funds going towards our show, which is where this fundraiser and your donations come into play. With the help of your money we will be able to hire out furniture for screenings of our films, produce some flyers, posters, programs and DVDs of the collection.
where's The money spent?
Furniture Hire for 7 days: £800
Flyers/Posters/Program printing: £300
DVD's for rewards: £100
We have a carefully selected range of rewards lined up for some of our generous donators. This includes programs and DVD collections of all the films showcased and even a days early access before the show is open to the public. This you will be able to chose, upon donating.
Find us here
Find us here at this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/151219135711138 and be sure to keep your notifications on for regular updates and a countdown to the date!
If you haven't got the money to donate right now, please help us out by sharing this page and spreading the word!