• X2
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  • Kingston University alumni matchfunded £500

Character Matters

A project by: Samuel Holliday


WE RAISED £1,000

from 2 donors

The semiotics of anthropomorphism in Cultural Identity and Branding Strategies

Character matters

I am seeking to raise £1,000 to publish, print, and bind my dissertation publication. I have already designed and created a mock-up of the dissertation to a high standard, but with your support, I can take it to the next level. This funding will enable me to professionally publish my work, showcasing my design skills in a tangible, polished format. Your contribution will not only help bring this project to life but also support my growth as a designer by allowing me to present my work at its best.

This publication explores the themes of mascots and anthropomorphism (the attribution of human characteristics or behaviour to a god, animal, or object). A well-designed mascot can create a deep connection with consumers by embodying the brand's ethos and personality, ultimately becoming an extension of the consumers themselves. The mascot often aligns with the consumer's personality, creating a congruent relationship. I have used this concept as a design decision throughout my publication, blurring the lines between the reader and the content. The reflective paper in the publication allows readers to see themselves alongside the material in the book, reinforcing this connection. 

Who am I?

I’m Sam Holliday, a final year graphic design student who has a keen interest in branding strategies and visual identities. Building on the insights from my dissertation and research project, I have started turning my writings into a publication which showcases my findings and ideas.I’m Sam Holliday, a final year graphic design student who has a keen interest in branding strategies and visual identities. Building on the insights from my dissertation and research project, I have started turning my writings into a publication which showcases my findings and ideas.

Where will the money go? 

  • Printing costs - £500
  • Foil Block Cost - £100
  • Binding Costs - £100
  • Screenprinting covers - £100
  • Paper from GF Smith - £200 


I would love to gift a book to each donor who helps me achieve my goals. Additionally, I would love to receive any feedback or make connections for future work in the design field.

Find us here

  • Instagram - @samyouwellholliday
  • Email - samuelholliday@outlook.com