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  • Kingston University alumni matchfunded £500

Avalon audio visual performance

A project by: Louie McGill


WE RAISED £1,035

from 2 donors

music performance, live generative art


My name is Louie McGill, I am a creative technologist from the Graphic Design BA course. I primarily work with experiential design and specialise in producing live experiences. My work can be viewed here on my portfolio site: https://louiemcgill.cargo.site/

My project

I am looking to fund a music performance called Avalon. The performance will feature live electronic music with hardware synthesisers and an audio-reactive light and laser show. 

I have already produced the show and performed it once in the film studios at KSA. This can be watched here: https://vimeo.com/936320929. Now I want to perform the show at a proper gig venue with an audience. I have planned to organise a gig to showcase my music and stage production work for a long time, but I lack the funds to do so. Therefore, any support with realising this goal would be greatly appreciated. I will advertise the event and try to attract a diverse audience: it would be amazing if the show got people together and introduced them to a new type of music performance.

Where will the money go?

I require funds to cover the venue cost, and the software licensing that I need to hold a public performance. I have been in conversation with an ideal venue who have quoted me £420.00 (+VAT). I use the software Touchdesigner for the show, which costs $600 (£464.54) today. I would also like to have funds remaining to cover labour costs.


Venue:  £420.00 (+VAT)

Software: £464.54

Labour: estimate £150


https://derivative.ca/download (software licensing)

https://creativeyouthcharity.org/fusebox/ (venue)

Images from Avalon AV performance at the university film studios: